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Find Job Premiere enables you to list a large main image (header image) with additional images. It is recommended for employers who wish to thoroughly explain their workplaces or publish unique advertisement. You can create and publish your job classified by using templates. Please contact us if you would like to request the production of header image.
* Find Job Premiere is optional. You can also post jobs with regular plan below only.
* No Production Fee is charged if you create your swiper ad and cover. [Size] : 770px x 310px [Format] Static Image : GIF/JPG/PNG
* If the data you created does not meet our standards, you may need to edit it.
Regular job classified includes the following functions. If you do not use Find Job Premiere, you only need listing fees for your selected listing areas. Employers may publish jobs in multiple listing areas to hire candidates from remote areas.
It's relatively easy to make a video to introduce your company or staff with PowerPoint slideshow, smartphone, or application. Please upload your videos to Vivinavi Find Job. You can also use the videos that had been already uploaded to video sharing websites, such as YouTube. Let's show the company's personality, office ambience, and a typical day of work through the video and image.
You can create and print out a poster from your post. Please place the poster on your storefront or neighborhood to increase its exposure. Users can scan QR code in the poster and see your post immediately.
Video resume is available on Vivinavi for applicants to show their skills and performance more freely and creatively. Applicants may send videos of self-introduction, phone conversation samples, narrations, performance, or portfolio, or hiring companies may request candidates to create sample videos. Possibilities are unlimited with your creative ideas!
Using Vivinavi's management tool, you can review the email history and the current status of selection process for each applicant. Now, you don't have to worry about forgetting to reply or postponing the selection process because you can check the applicant status right away.
* Prices vary by area, plan, time period, etc.
* Click here to make bulk purchase at discount price.
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