- How do I set up Substitute Log-in? / How can I add more email addresses for log-in?
- If you would like to add more email addresses for log-in, you can set up Substitute Log-in email address.
Please see an example of Substitute Log-in below:
In this case, both User A and User B must complete User Registration
with their email addresses and activate both accounts.
Ex. User A would like to log-in to User B's account
1. User A clicks [Authorization / ID Pairing] on Biz Panel
2. User A enters User B's email address on [Authorization / ID Pairing] and clicks [Send]
3. User B receives authentication email and clicks URL in the email to activate Substitute Log-in
After Substitute Log-in has been set up, User B can change its authorization setting.
Please select one from the following choices: Admin, Editor, or Viewer.
- Admin: Admin can log-in to User Panel and Biz Panel and perform all operations
- Editor: Editor can log-in to User Panel and Biz Panel and make or change post without changing payment setting
- Viewer: Viewer is only allowed to see account data without making any changes